PAN Greater Beirut Water Supply Project Distribution Networks, Pumping Stations and Water Reservoirs - Zone B
Country: Lebanon
Location within country: Beirut & Mount Lebanon
Client: Republic of Lebanon, Ministry of Energy and Water, Beirut and Mount Lebanon Water Establishment
Financed by: World Bank
Consultant: Dar Al Handasah Nazih Taleb & Partners
Scope of Work
The works cover an area situated to the East of Beirut City, extending from Wadi Chahrour Village in the south to Hazmieh Village to the North and ranging in elevation from 40m and rising to approximately 400m above sea level. The main villages included in the project are: Wadi Chahrour, Jamhour, Baabda, Hazmieh and Hadath.
The works shall include but not limited to the following items:
- Transmission Lines: L=2km, Ductile iron pipes, Ф 500mm,
- Distribution Network: L=117km, Ф ranging between 200mm and 450mm for Ductile Iron Pipes and 90mm to 180mm for Polyethylene pipes,
- 2 Reinforced concrete water storage tanks: Hazmieh-Hadath (2 x 3,000 m3) and Baabda ( 2 x 2,500m3),
- House connections with related pipes Ф= ranges between 0.5” to 1.5"mm for the project area.
Notification Order: 24/02/2015